There is much information about the Nolands available on the various general internet genealogy resources. Additionally, there is a web site devoted entirely to Nolands and there are several books that are devoted entirely to Noland genealogy or Jackson County history. I refer to these resources from time to time in this part of my web site. The problem with many of these resources is that they generally do not cite the source of the information that they convey.

Here is what I have to offer as to Noland or Jackson County specific resources right now:


Primary sources include copies of deeds, certificates of marriages and deaths, documents prepared contemporaneously with events, such as Bible entries, personal narratives if based on personal recollection and not hearsay, and the like. These resources are generally the most accurate, but they are also the most difficult to find. Unless you see references to primary documents in this section, my research is based upon secondary documents. I do intend to extend my research into primary resources, but that will take more time.


Independence, Missouri by Bernd Foerster – Publication of the Heritage Commission and financed in part through a grant from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; copyright, 1978.

NOLANDS by William Twyman Lockett – This is a self-published (apparently mimeographed) book that is in two volumes and copyrighted in 1983. Lockett's ancestors include Nolands. I do not think one can obtain the book at this point. I found it at the Genealogy Library in Independence and copied a few of the pages. I presume it is still available there in some form.

J. L. Noland
Milesian Mountaineers by J. Lynn Noland, Esq. – This book covers the Nolands that settled in the North Carolina area. They are the Nolands who are descended from Peter Noland, a grandson of Pierce Noland, the original settler in the "new world". While my particular branch does not come from Peter, the first 100 to 130 pages cover the Nolands in Ireland and in the early days of what is now the United States, so it is helpful from that standpoint.

The Stephan-Daniel Line of the Noland Family by Edward J. Ronsheim, Sr. – There are actually two versions of this. They are very significant books for Noland genealogy. All other Noland genealogists refer to it. One was published in 1954; the second was published in 1959 and was entitled the same, but was subtitled, "New Material and Connections". I have never actually seen the books, nor have I gotten any information directly from them. I do believe that they are available on microfiche or some other media through libraries. I believe that the Independence genealogy library has it. I have also seen it referred to as an unpublished manuscript.

The History of Jackson County, Missouri by Union Historical Company (Birdsall, Williams & Co.) in 1881 – My copy is actually a reprint by Rampre that alleges to be an exact reprint other than the re-location of certain illustrations and the addition of a List of Illustrations and a New Comprehensive Index. The reprinter is not further identified, nor is the date of reprinting mentioned.

Jackson County Pioneers by Pearl Wilcox – This is a history of early Jackson County. It was copyrighted in 1975. Unfortunately, I understand that Ms. Wilcox is now deceased, so I cannot ask her about many questions I have. She has numerous citations, but there are many things covered in the book which have no source identified.


Noland Family Website by Sharon Noland – This is a very good web site that contains a large amount of information about Nolands. The link is: Of particular note is a Family Tree Maker Genealogy Report that is in Acrobat (.pdf) format that contains a kazillion Nolands beginning from those Nolands that first arrived in America. When I downloaded it, it was 277 pages. You have to have Acrobat Reader to access the report, but you can get Acrobat Reader for free at


I have several to enter.


Ethel Noland – Ethel was the first cousin of President Harry S Truman. Her great grandfather was Francis Marion Noland who does show up on my Noland tree. He is my great-great-great grandfather. Harry and Ethel saw much of each other over the years and she became the family genealogist and source for stories about the President's early days. When asked about his family, the President usually referred the questions to Ethel. There is a significant oral history from Ethel available at the Truman Library and on the Truman Library web site.

Mrs. Hubert H. Haukenberry – Mrs. Haukenberry was the daughter of Ruth Truman Noland Ragland who was Ethel Noland's sister. She, too, is a source for much Noland history, being cited often by William Lockett in his book and her comments are available at the Truman Library.